Friday, February 3, 2012

19 Yr old cat. Could she be dying?

My cat smokey is 19 years old and Im terrified that she may be beginning the dying process. She has been showing her age alot more in the last few months, but in the last few weeks things have gotten a lot worse. She very suddenly lost her hearing about 2 weeks ago. i was vacuuming 2 ft away from her while she was sleeping and she didnt even flinch. She looks like she has lost some weight also. It seems like all her bones are sticking out a little more, especially her backbone. For the last three days she has been vomitting 3 and 4 times a day, and all she is throwing up is water it looks like. It would seem as though she hasnt eaten in the last 3 days or there would be at least some kind of food in the vomit. And yesterday she had diarhea pretty bad. She has been drinking all the time though. Just throwing it all back up i guess. Her eyes have been very dialated also when there would seem to be plenty of light. She does sleep all the time but that was pretty close to the way she was before. And yesterday she became very needy. She has been slowly following me around and meowing at me and climbing into my lap every chance she gets. I dont think that she is on deaths doorstep right this second but im wondering if it may be closer than i think. Unfortunatly i cant take her to the vet until at least next week and im hoping i can get some advice or suggestions on anything. she hasnt been to the vet in years either. im afraid the trauma of going will push her over the edge! Ive known this will have to happen eventually but ive had her since i was 7 and just want to make sure i know whats going on. any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.19 Yr old cat. Could she be dying?
As pet owners, this is the time that we dread the most. It can be especially hard when we have grown up with them.

With the advancements of nutrition and medicine, cats can easily live into their early 20's.

Yes, your sweet girl is probably getting near the end of her journey here. It sounds as if she may have some renal (kidney) issues and or diabetes going on here. I truly doubt with her advanced age that any vet could do more than some supportive care for her. (Possible intravenous (IV) or subcutaneous (SQ) fluid therapy and a mixture of certain drugs, steroids and vitamins mostly, to help her maintain her bodily functions and stimulate her appetite.)

I understand how you are feeling. None of us can possibly know everything that she has been through with you, but it is evident that you love her and have taken good care of her.

There is not a whole lot that you can do at home. See if she will eat something, canned cat food or maybe tuna or salmon. Many times an animal will stop eating before they pass. She is showing normal signs of an animal that is near the end, I am sorry to say.

If you are unable to take her to the vet soon, just keep her as comfortable as possible. Try some of the foods mentioned above. Give her lots of love and attention if she wants it. If it is her time, hopefully she will pass peacefully in her sleep.

God bless, I am sorry for your situation. Best of luck to you.

**it is good that she has an appetite, but her not being able to keep it down is worry some. Maybe try feeding her 1/2 to 1 tsp. or so every couple of hours.

Has she been defecating normally? There is some reason that she isn't able to keep the food down. Perhaps some intestinal blockage or something. Goodness only knows. It is encouraging that she wanted to eat though.

I think we all can understand the money crunch these days, but I really think you should at least call the vet and see what they recommend.

They might be able to work with you on payments or something. Many of them will hold a check until your next payday. That might be an option. Like I said, at least call and ask. Until then, try a very small portion of the canned and see what happens.19 Yr old cat. Could she be dying?
I hate to say it, but I had a cat that was 20, and that's exactly what started happening...we had to put her to sleep because it only got worse after that and I didn't want her to suffer. =( I know that decision is going to be hard for you.
I'm sad to say that Smokey is probably dying. Having a cat for 19 years is a miracle in itself. I would wrote more to try and console you but I am especially fond of cats and am crying.19 Yr old cat. Could she be dying?
If the cat is 19, it probably won't live much longer. You could take it to see a vet, who could probably help, but this doesn't sound good.
not if you act soon19 Yr old cat. Could she be dying?
19 years old is an incredibly long lifetime for a cat... most cats will die at 14 and 15. I think that once you take Smokey to the vet you'll find that she is on deaths doorstep probably isn't anything that they can do to help, unfortunately. Hope for a miracle though and maybe you'll have your cat for a little longer yet.
The cat NEEDS to see a vet. After not eating for 3 days, she is in great danger - she needs food in her, she probably needs some fluids in her, and a vet needs to figure out what's wrong with her. I understand we are going into a weekend - please schedule an appointment for monday, if you can't find a vet that is open on saturday or sunday.

In the mean time, try to get her to eat. Go buy some fancy feast - that stuff usually has about as good a chance as any of enticing a very sick cat to eat. Hopefully she will make it through the weekend if you can get her to eat. Blending some canned food mixed with a little water to a milkshake consistency, then sucking it up a syringe and squirting it one ml or cc at a time into the corner of her mouth is another way.

Without going to a vet, she will likely be dead in short order. If nothing else, at least let her be euthanized rather than going out in such a miserable way.

My cat is 16 and almost died last february. Like yours, she hadn't been to a vet in years, and I hate to admit it. My parents never felt cats worth spending money on, and being a broke college student I wasn't eager for it to be my money either. However, after also vomiting and not eating for 3 days straight, she went, was diagnosed with kidney failure, and is now doing better than she has for years - she weighs more, eats more, and feels better, and should live for a long time to come now that her condition is being mananged. She sees a vet every six months to assess her progress. If only she HAD been going regularly, we would have prevented her near death experience with early detection.
Bring him to the Vet or let the Vet come to your house. I think you are fast approaching a major emotional upheaval. Just prepare yourself and show all your love to Smokey like what he's doing to you lately. Put your attention and affections to him. If Smokey is in pain then comfort him, if he wants cuddle then give it to him. I hope the best for you.
I just had to say goodbye to my 14 year old cat. It was so very hard. It sounds to me like your cat is at the end. You can let it happen naturally if you don't think she is suffering or you'll have to make the decision to go in to see the vet and have her passing assisted. This is not an easy decision, but it can make it far less traumatic for the cat to pass. I had to tranquilize my cat to take him in...and I cried and cried. A vet can also take a look at her and affirm that its time. I'm so sorry for you! : (
I'm frankly dumbfounded that your cat has lived this long. Usually 15 years is a really really really good life run for a kitty. I would take her to the vet, and see just how much pain she may be in. The humane thing may be to have her put down. She sounds like she's in a lot of pain if she's vomiting that much, and has irregular bowel movements. I know it's hard to let go, but you'd be doing her a huge disservice by letting her suffer.
Amanda; please dont take this as criticism, but rather from my heart, as a longtime feline lover. first, we have to take our cats and dogs to the vet EVERY YEAR, for routine checkups, shots, exam, etc. also, any other time as needed. i would not think of doing otherwise, as my cats are my children. second, there is a good possibility that your cat is entering renal failure; if so, this will be fatal.

third; on the other hand, be aware that healthy cats can live to be 20 or 30 years old, much longer than dogs.

one of my cats lived to be 26 !! fourth; please brace yourself now for your cats passing on to pet heaven. this will be very hard for you, since you have lived with her for so many years, and since you were so young then. i feel that she has been a member of your family, as well as a playmate and a companion, etc. finally; if you can, please take her to the vet asap, for this is the only way you will find out EXACTLY what is wrong with her. best wishes to you;

i know what it feels like to lose a pet; ive had many cats thru the years, but no children, so they are my family; and when it happens, i always cry like a baby, for many days.

however, please know that we have the memories of their unconditional love; which is rare among humans !!
I'm so sorry to hear this - but it sounds like Smokey is already on her last journey.

Nineteen is a remarkable age for a cat, every year over ten is a bonus, and you have obviously been very special to each other.

I would suggest that you take her to the vet - or ask them to call - asap, and let them help her leave peacefully.

It'll break your heart, it always does; but she is asking you for help and a quiet, dignified end is the best thing you can give her.

Death isn't the end, love. She's given you so much, I think she deserves to be helped on her path. Trust me, you'll find each other again.
Yes, your cat is probably ready to die. 19 years is a long time for your cat to live. It probably used up most of its 9 lives. Start saying your good byes, and get the shovel ready.

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